Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm supposed to be in the south!!

Here I am, just moved to Virginia from Utah where I gloried in the fact that I was leaving Utah winters behind me. So yesterday it snows 8"! It's cold and gray and this snow is not going to be melting off really quickly, I'm afraid, like everyone always says. And it's even worse here, because nobody really knows how to drive in it and the city/county governments don't have the equipment to clear the roads. All the schools are closed and a lot of the businesses tell their people they don't have to come in. Wow.

Virginia is still beautiful, though. There are so many trees and they are all covered with blankets of white. It's breathtaking--and so is the cold! But, I'm assured, this is not very common here, and the kids have been having a ball playing out in snow that comes up to 3-year old Arya's knees. So, in the end, it'll be worth having some big snowstorms once in a while here to get the taste of all four seasons and to be reminded that winter is a LOT worse in a lot of places.

I am content.


  1. What a neat blog. I'm glad you figured it out and decided to do it. It is also a GREAT way to journal your life and self for your posterity. It is something I wish I did more with Gma before she died.

    So it's addictive, huh! Hehehe. I hope you stick with it and post pictures. Where'd you get the template?

    Happy blogging.

  2. It was one of the templates that was in blogspot. I'm glad you're liking it. I'm afraid it might be slightly (?) addictive. HeHeHe.
